Upcoming Talks
Past Talks
2024-03-26 | Data Council | WTF Are We Doing [link]
2024-03-07 | Data Mishaps Night | Co-creator, host, and curator [site]
2023-07-13 | New York R Conference | How to Make Decisions with Data [video]
2023-02-23 | Data Mishaps Night | Co-creator, host, and curator [site]
2023-02-21 | Data Science Salon | We Need to Talk About Data Mistakes
2022-12-15 | NormConf | Tracer Bullets + Working Backwards: Simple Frameworks for Solving Problems [link]
2022-08-17 | Women in Analytics | Fireside Chat: Enabling Data Teams to Collaborate
2022-08-08 | Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM) | Optimizing for Impact: Defining Success in Data Analysis [link]
2022-06-16 | Locally Optimistic | Panelist: From Data Management to Data IC [video]
2022-02-24 | Data Mishaps Night | Co-creator, host, and curator [site]
2022-03-07 | Women in Data Science Conference | Panelist: Demonstrating the Value of DS Work [video]
2022-02-22 | Women Who Code ATX | Improve Your Code with Cognitive Science [slides]
2021-09-09 | New York R Conference | Impacting Churn with Data | [video]
2021-07-01 | OnlineMedEd | Data Visualization: A Primer [slides]
2021-06-08 | IBM Data+AI Conference | Blaze Your Own Trail: Navigating a Career in Data Science [video]
2021-05-04 | Colorado State University qCMB Symposium | Keynote
2021-02-05 | Data Mishaps Night | Co-creator, host, and curator [site]
2020-12-01 | OnlineMedEd | Ethics in ML + AI [video]
2020-02-18 | Data Science Salon | Building Data Science Infrastructure (Updated)
2019-11-07 | The Lead Developer Meetup | What is a Data Scientist?
2019-05-13 | PyData Ann Arbor | Building Data Science [video]
2019-03-11 | SXSW | Data Science Unicorns + Silver Bullet AI [audio recording]
2019-01-18 | rstudio::conf | Learning from 8 Years of Data Science Mistakes [video]
2018-09-24 | Aspiring Data Scientist Meetup | Ask a Data Scientist Anything Panel
2018-09-19 | Domino Data Science Pop-Up | Creating a Data Science Flywheel Panel
2018-09-18 | The Lead Developer Meetup | Unmasking Imposter Syndrome [slides]
2018-06-02 | Cascadia R Conference | NULL: When Missing Data is Valuable [slides]
2018-02-10 | Dallas Data Science Conference | Getting Plugged into Data Science [slides]
2017-09-20 | Aspiring Data Scientist Meetup | Life of a Data Scientist Panel
2017-03-28 | Austin R User Group |Reproducible Project Workflow in R [slides]
2016-09-13 | General Assembly | How to Launch a Career in Data Panel
2015-04-16 | NEDRA Conference | 12 Predictive Modeling Pitfalls to Avoid
2014-05-08 | #EMChat | Online Panel on Predictive Modeling [video]
2013-06-28 | Rapid Insight User Conference | Improving Your Predictive Models [slides]
2013-02-20 | DRIVE Conference | Model(ing) Behavior [video]
2012-08-02 | APRA Conference| Predictive Modeling for Fundraising Made Easy
Additional Presentations
During my time as Principal Data Scientist at OnlineMedEd, I established a weekly Office Hours session which the Data Analytics Group (DAG) kicked off with a 30-minute data-related presentation, as well as contributed to companywide learning sessions.
Topics I've presented on include at OnlineMedEd include:
2022-03-17 | Intro to Machine Learning
2022-01-13 | Making Better Decisions with Data
2021-09-16 | Data Visualization: What Not to Do
2021-07-01 | Data Visualization: A Primer
2021-06-24 | Meaning Well: How to Summarize Data Effectively
2021-06-03 | A/B Testing 103: An End-to-End Example
2021-05-06 | A/B Testing 102: Designing and Executing an A/B Test
2021-03-25 | Twitter for Fun, Career Development, and Profit
2021-03-12 | A Short History of Austin, TX BBQ
2021-03-11 | A/B Testing 101: An Introduction
2021-02-04 | How I Approach Designing Metrics
2020-12-01 | OnlineMedEd | Ethics in ML + AI
2020-08-25 | Make Time: How to Focus On What Matters Every Day
2020-01-23 | Giving Talks at Conferences: A Beginner's Guide